Racheal Bruce is a St. Louis-born illustrator and educator. She graduated in the first class of MFA in Illustration and Visual Culture at Washington University and is the Assistant Professor in Illustration at Webster University. She's also a member of Illustrators for Hire.

Racheal specializes in book illustration, editorial illustration, and poster design. Her work imbues the feeling that a fantastical unreality could exist in our physical world, with all of the whimsy and eeriness that comes with it. She's curious how an audience interacts with their own feelings of superstition. 

Winner of the Walt Reed Award for Excellence in Illustration and Writing, included in the Society of Illustrators 65 Annual and two time Best in Show winner. Her project Excorio recieved a Cube Award from the 101st Annual Art Directors Club Awards.

Clients include The Washington Post, Bastille Magazine, The Centre for International Governance Innovation, The Baffler, VinePair, The Gullet, Brasserie Dunham, Strange Horizons, The Polyester Dollhouse, Aislin Magazine, and Anthology Puzzles.

Email: racheal@rachealbruce.com
Instagram: @rachealmbruce

Racheal Bruce

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